Daniel 11:32 - People who know their God will stand firm and take action.
Даниил 11:32 - Люди знающие своего Бога - усилятся и будут действовать.
get to know JESUS more and help others get to know Him
to build a strong church inside and to reach the unbelievers outside
Matt 9:37-38 - "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field "
Become a worker!
Мф 9:37-38 - "Жатвы много, а работников мало. Поэтому просите Хозяина жатвы, чтобы Он выслал работников на Свою жатву"
Стань работником!
Our lead Pastor, Dmitri Sarioglo & Alena have 4 children: Vlada, Dasha, Yana, and Joshua. Dmitri has received his Masters Degree in Theology from Institute of Theology in Minsk.
Alena serves as the Worship Leader and the Childrens Choir director.
Sunday | 10am & 12:30pm - Main Service
Monday | 7pm - Teens Service
Tuesday | 7:30pm - Youth Service
Friday | 11am - Women's Prayer
Friday | 7pm - Prayer Service
Saturday | 7:30am - Men's Prayer